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Ocula 30 poesia di Vincenzo Accame per la copertina
Ocula 30 | Visuality of writing in arts and visual communication
a cura di Valentina Manchia e Salvatore Zingale, June 2024
Valentina Manchia, Salvatore Zingale, Variations of writing. Visuality of writing and visual writings
Leonardo Romei, Leonardo as a visual communication theorist. Principles of written/graphic/visual communication in Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebooks
Antonio Perri, Luciano Perondi, Daniele Capo, Roberto Arista, Giampiero Dalai, Alternative graphemics. Aztec writing system as a case study towards an integrated, digitalised model of non-typographic graphemics
Giacomo Festi, Weihuan Hou, Contemporary reinventions of Chinese calligraphy. A semiotic exploration
Mansu Wang, Chu Calligraphy on Bamboo Slips. The Visual Evolution from Seal Script to Clerical Script and Its Artistic Value
Silvia Pireddu, From matter to pixels. Notes on visual poetry between analogue and digital
Ludovica Polo, New verbo-visual explorations. Forms and applications of visual writing in contemporary artefacts
Marcello Sessa, Typewriting. The 'typewriter poem' as a paradigm of the 'informational' image based on Paul Valéry, Leo Steinberg, Walter Benjamin, Max Bense
Simona La Neve, It is already politics. Visual proto-elements for self-determination
Davide Tolfo, The March of the Alphabets. Semiological investigation of the Slavs and Tatars
Daniele Barbieri, Systems of representation. Semiotic considerations on Typographische Gestaltung
Valeria Bucchetti, Identity figures. The letter-image as an expression of product identity
Girish Muzumdar, Asha Deshpande, Ben Howell Davis, Pictograms as Visual Communication. Tools for the Autonomy and Accessibility of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
Andrea Benedetti, Ángeles Briones, Arianna Bellantuono, Algorithmic you. A design-setting for the re-appropriation of personal data through poetic narratives and revisiting models of visual poetry
Rossana De Angelis, Digital writing formats. A topological analysis of screen publishing

Immagine di Ocula 28
Ocula 28 | Public Art and Urban Spaces
a cura di Annalisa Cattani, Fabrizio Rivola, Federico Montanari e Ruggero Ragonese, December 2023
Annalisa Cattani, Federico Montanari, Fabrizio Rivola, Ruggero Ragonese, Introduction
Fabrizio Rivola, Mimetic tactics of urban art. Public art in the conflicting context of languages
Maria Chiara Caiazzo, Public art as critical art. For a re-signification of urban space
Antongiulio Vergine, Street Art and anonymity. Between the public, social networks and attempts to challenge the system
Sara Uboldi, The Impacts of Public Art on People’s Wellbeing and Health: a Case Study
Luigi Virgolin, Cityscapes. Digital urban maps and new forms of subjectivity
Aleonora Ambrosini, Ilaria Zampieri, Nicola Zengiaro, Performing catastrophe. Art in public space between life forms and multi-species imaginaries
Federico Biggio, Augmented Reality Urban Art. From urban squatting to the diffused museum
Brigitte Auziol, Reinventing the agora: giving voice to public space. Analysis of ecosocial and cultural design interventions
Elena S. Lazaridou, Public art in the urban landscape: The connotative use of public art in the urban space through the semiotic analysis of KAFAOS (cable distributor) in the urban space of cities: Milan, Florence, Athens, Thessaloniki
Michele Dentico, Street Art as a self-descriptive practice of institutional culture. The Taranto Regeneration Urban Street case
Pietro Gaglianò, An invention of modernity. Spectatorship in contemporary art
Irene Ruzzier, Curating Public Art in Urban Spaces. The case of the Festival Without Frontiers in Mantua
Gabriella Rava, Public Art in Belfast. Between re-imagination and urban amnesia
Alessandra Pioselli, Public artwork, civic artwork? Contenuto Rimosso and Ca'Mon. Two case studies of artistic-cultural practices in the highlands

Ocula 26 | Matters of holiness: semiotic perspectives on Dante
a cura di Magdalena Maria Kubas e Francesco Galofaro, December 2022
Magdalena Maria Kubas, Francesco Galofaro, Introduzione al numero: il Dante che unisce
Jenny Ponzo, A brief outline of Dante's semiotics
Massimo Leone, Viso, volto, faccia e sembiante in Dante
Alessandro Vettori, Dannata ricchezza e beata povertà: La spiritualità francescana in Dante
Magdalena Maria Kubas, La Commedia, le litanie, la santità: alcune riflessioni tra il Purgatorio XIII e il Paradiso XXXIII
Erminia Ardissino, The representation of holiness in the Comedy
Francesco Galofaro, Models of holiness in the Comedy: the case of Pier Damiani
Eleonora Chiais, Dante nel magistero e nella Chiesa novecentesca

Ocula 25 | Gender, genres and generations. A sociological analysis on changes of consumption styles in the globalised world: current scenarios and future perspectives
a cura di Piergiorgio Degli Esposti, Antonella Mascio e Geraldina Roberti, June 2021
Roberta Bartoletti, Preface
Piergiorgio Degli Esposti, Antonella Mascio, Geraldina Roberti, Gender, genres and generations. A sociological analysis
Francesca Bianchi, Alessandra Romano, Mario Giampaolo, Gender and technology: perspectives of meaning and preconceptions of future socio-pedagogical professional educators
Antonella Capalbi, The serial narrative as a discourse. Representations of gender identity in How I met your mother and New Girl.
Maria Chiara Caiazzo, Disruptive Tides. Feminist Counter-discourse as Resistance to Patriarchal Imagery in Gendered Media Representations
Antonia Cava, From Kinsey Report to Pornhub. Women’s Consumption of Pornography
Giovanni Ciofalo, Silvia Leonzi, Grazia Quercia, The Toon Gaze. The female representation in preschool cartoons
Luca Toschi, Eleonora Alecci, 11 O’Clock TikTok. Cognitive independence, relationality and narcissism among Post-Millennials
Jillet Sarah Sam, Piergiorgio Degli Esposti, Brian Gomes, The elderly collaborative user in platform societies. A comparative study between India and Italy
Mario Tirino, Vincenzo Auriemma, Bazinga! Nerd consumption, generational identities and the mourning of the end of the series in the audience of The Big Bang Theory
Andrea Bernardelli, Religious Imagery in Tv Series. Genres and Generations of Viewers
Francesco Pelusi, Rendering complexity. The trans-gender subject in the drama serial “Un posto al sole”.
Marta Rocchi, Martina Anselmeti, The evolution of legal drama, gender stereotypes and the case of For the People (ABC 2018-2019)

Ocula 24 | Quando è design / When is design / Quand c'est du design
a cura di Michela Deni e Dario Mangano, October 2020
Michela Deni, The Design Culture, when is Design. Introduction
Alessandro Zinna, The consequences of “when”. An archaeology of design: from prehistoric times to the Anthropocene
Salvatore Zingale, Design or projectuality? The project as inventive transformation
Imma Forino, The government of the desk: Design as “dispositif”
Francesco Galofaro, Ethnosemiotics and Design. A Contribution to a Symptomatology of Design
Valeria Bucchetti, This is Communication Design
Daniele Barbieri, Thresholds and ideology of the project
Marine Royer, Social design. Components of a project on home support for the elderly and disabled people
Béatrice Gisclard, The contribution of social design to french natural risk management policies. Towards a territorialized social innovation
Yves Voglaire, When it's a designer
Dario Mangano, Post-it

Eden Portal of the Abbey of San Michele della Chiusa Turin
Ocula 23 | Flowers of the soul: The symbolism of flowers in the religious imagination
a cura di Marco Papasidero e Francesco Galofaro, July 2020
Francesco Galofaro, Marco Papasidero, Foreword: flowers and religions: semiotic and historical remarks
Lorenzo Verderame, «I replace cereals!»: Origin and primacy of the palm in the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia
Ludovica Bertolini, «Let them erect my flower bed!»: Plant elements in the Paleo-Babylonian Sumerian literature
Ugo Volli, The Rose of Sharon: flowers and plants in the ancient Jewish tradition
Graziano Lingua, How the lilies of the field dress: transformations of the floral imaginery in the early Christian centuries
Ilaria Sabbatini, «Apple of Paradise»: the botanical descriptions in the pilgrimage diaries of the Florentine corpus between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries
Jenny Ponzo, The floral smell of sanctity and the semiotics of the halo
Massimo Leone, Cecidit flos: on the meaning of withered flowers
Francesco Galofaro, Rosa Mystica: the Morphogenesis of the Rose
Magdalena Maria Kubas, Maria and the flowers: lauda and litany in the thirteenth century
Gabriele Marino, The hagiographic floral prosopope: the case of the Marian litany of flowers
Anthony John Lappin, Giving and taking life: flower arranging in Howard Nemerov and Medb McGuckian

Ocula 22 | Be cool. How a Cultural Icon is Born
a cura di Andrea Bernardelli e Eduardo Grillo, April 2020
Eduardo Grillo, Introduction. Cultural Icons with a Thousand Faces
Mauro Ferraresi, Icon Stories. From Icon to Cultural Icon
Eduardo Grillo, Texts Torn Apart. Media Cult as Ars Excerpendi
Federica Turco, From Iconic Celebrities to Iconic Speeches. Tricks and Treats About Imaginary on Feminism
Giuseppe Balirano, Of Rainbow Unicorns. The Role of Bonding Queer Icons in Contemporary LGBTIQ+ Re-Positionings
Mario Panico, Repetition, Recognition, Remediation Or Benito Mussolini after Benito Mussolini
Flavia Cavaliere, BECOMING MICHELLE, a Contemporary Cultural Icon. Decoding the Different Ways Leading from the South Side of Chicago to the White House
Marco Mazzoni, Roberto Mincigrucci, The (Ordinary) Superleader. Matteo Salvini and his Body
Alessandro Iannucci, Achilles and Ulysses. A Comparison Between Two Heroic Icons
Marilena Parlati, Serial Crime, Serious Threats? Replicating the ‘Yellow Peril’ in British Popular Crime Fiction
Vincenzo Maggitti, Frankenstein or the Disturbing Migration of a Twentieth Century Icon
Paolo Bertetti, The Invisible Icon. Big Brother from Fictional Icon to Cultural Icon
Andrea Bellavita, Character, Myth, Icon. A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Penny Dreadfu
Andrea Bernardelli, Cult Tv Series, or Tv Series’ Cult. Series Protagonists as Cult Icons in the Era of Complex Tv
Nicolò Villani, Investigating the Identity of the Serial Character. Towards a Semiotic of Identity in Seriality
Antonella Mascio, Between Fiction and Reality. The Handmaid’s Tale Uniform as a Cultural Icon
Lucia Corrain, Ottavia Mosca, David superstar. Guan Xiao and the Art Icons
Ilaria Ventura Bordenca, Can Packaging be a Cultural Icon? Processes of Meaning and Intertextual Mechanisms
Anna Riboldi, Salvatore Zingale, Persistent Objects. The a Posteriori Likeness in Design Icons

Ocula 21 | Geosemiotics: from locative media to diffused images, big and small data
a cura di Guido Ferraro, Nicola Dusi e Federico Montanari, December 2019
Federico Montanari, Introduction
Marta Milia, Mapping the destruction. Locative Media and the narration of the earthquake in Amatrice
Enzo D'Armenio, From senses to data. Audiovisual prostheses between perception and enunciation
Giovanni Curtis, Antonio Opromolla, Hybrid urban spaces. From the introduction of digital technology to new social processes in the city
Bruno Surace, Visors and chickens in the Web of Beings. Second Livestock between goliards, semiotics and philosophy
Giorgio Avezzù, Homotopic interference and locational noir imaging. A geocritical reflection on disturbing spaces in cinema starting from Black Dahlia
Guido Ferraro, Locations and their meaning. How the sense of place is constructed and decostructed in Instagram photos

Ocula 20 | The Place of the User in Design
a cura di Michela Deni e Marie-Julie Catoir-Brisson, October 2019
Michela Deni, Marie-Julie Catoir-Brisson, Introduction
Jacques Lolive, Social design test. How to democratize risk management policies in Sao Paulo?
Manel Djemel, Machelle Ye, Rabah Bousbaci, Gonzalo Lizarralde, The project’s temporality facing the ethical dilemmas of citizen participation
Randolf Ramseyer, Emmanuel Fragnière, Benjamin Nanchen, Florian Evéquoz, Grace Eden, Taking better account of the user in the design of public transport. Case study on autonomous shuttles in Sion
Claire Azéma, Christian Malaurie, Pierre Bourdareau, Building and thinking the habitability of a common. Reflections onthe notion of useness in the desing project
Françoise Armand, Pierre-Michel Riccio, Is there (really) a user? The roles of contributor, user, customer, collaborator on digital platforms for scientific publications
Rihab Zaidi, Power’s relationships as the basis of the user’s integration strategies in the design process
Françoise Paquienséguy, Uses, from appropriation to design
Inès Garmon, Tinder: a user-centered design? The user’s position within the swipe design
Philippe Barrier, Médical care: origin and destination
Carine Delanoë-Vieux, Marie Coirié, Justine Coubard-Millot, Xavier Figuerola, Designing a patient’s journey, a key tool on the way to building a global hospitality experience within a new hospital building
Elvire Bornand, Jacky Foucher, Making uses and users visible during a public policy design process. Feedback from work practices

Ocula 19 | Gamification paths. Research and ludic discourse for the community
a cura di Gaspare Caliri, Paola Donatiello e Salvatore Miele, October 2018
Gaspare Caliri, Paola Donatiello, Salvatore Miele, Introduction.Gamification paths: the research and the ludic discourse for the community
Paola Donatiello, Pierdomenico Memeo, Salvatore Miele, Gamification processes and exercises in complexity. A conversation
Loretta Secchi, Touching with eyes and seeing by hands. The cognitive functions of the aesthetical education
Vincenzo Idone Cassone, Beyond entertainment. Cultural developments at the root of the gamification
Gaspare Caliri, A game we don’t stop moving. Relational and ludic between work and free time, from Kilowatt’s experience, in Bologna
Irene Litardi, Urban regeneration. The role of the culture and new work profiles
Martina Belluto, Paola Donatiello, Salvatore Miele, Sense and sound of Greenhouse. A study on the accessibility of a space in Bologna’s municipality
Genèviéve Korte, Gabriele Ferri, Research Through Game Design. Interactive Stories from a Submerged Amsterdam

Dettaglio di #OccupyMordor di Blu sul muro esterno del centro sociale XM24
Ocula 18 | Street Art: Iconoclasm and Istitutionalization
a cura di Cinzia Bianchi e Silvia Viti, September 2017
Cinzia Bianchi, Silvia Viti, Introduction. Street Art: Iconoclasm and Institutionalization
Michele Martini, Tragedy of a Street Artist. The Practice of Erasure from Artistic Euthanasia to Articide
Francesco Mazzucchelli, Street(icono)clashes. Blu vs. Genus Bononiae: a Case of Urban Iconoclasm
Mario Panico, Explosions of icons. Street Art and Performative Iconoclasm on the Socialist Monuments of Eastern Europe
Marco Mondino, Visual Collections in Urban Spaces: the Sites of Street Art in Paris
Julien Thiburce, Pay your Museum! Street Art and Cultural (re)Mediation in Urban Space
Cristina Greco, Embryonic Lines. Mapping Urban Art, Documenting the Absence via Web Archives and Locative Media
Damiano Razzoli, Digitalization of Street Art. Guidelines for an Analysis of the Reggiane Urban Gallery Virtual Museum
Silvia Viti, Christian Omodeo, Street Art Heritage. Which Musealisation? An interview with Christian Omodeo by Silvia Viti

Ocula 17 | One hundred and one years of Barthes (1915-2016)
a cura di Cinzia Bianchi e Ruggero Ragonese, October 2016
Cinzia Bianchi, Ruggero Ragonese, Introduction: All our Bartheses
Isabella Pezzini, Biography and autobiography in Barthes (1915-1980) and Lotman (1922-1993): A Comparison of perspectives
Gianfranco Marrone, Towards a barthesian lexicon: first entries
Marcel Danesi, From classical myth to recycled myth: pop culture according to Roland Barthes
Emanuele Fadda, Seeing Language: On Barthes’ Saussurianism
Stefano Traini, The hidden face of God. From Barthes' analysis of Jacob's struggle (Genesis 32,23-33) to the book of Esther

Ocula 16 | Semiotics of Economic Discourse
a cura di Giorgio Coratelli, Francesco Galofaro e Federico Montanari, December 2015
Giorgio Coratelli, Francesco Galofaro, Federico Montanari, Introduction. On Semiotics of Economic Discourse
Tiziana Barone, Countertendencies in the retail and the new millennium crisis
Mirko Benedetti, Cinzia Castagnaro, Unbelievable numbers. Some semiotic drifts in media coverage of official statistics on the economy
Cinzia Bianchi, Ferruccio Rossi-Landi: language, society and semiotics
Vander Casaqui, Economic Discourse and Social Entrepreneurship. Transformation projects, media engagement and social mobilization in contemporary Brazil
Bernard Lamizet, Signs of political economy
Christelle Verger de Oliveira, Semiotics of economic crisis phenomena. The key role of «stockholder» in the 2008 financial crisis
Roberto Pellerey, The right price, the money’s meaning and an unfashionable dissidence. From the homo oeconomicus to the Fair Economy
Paolo Sorrentino, Economy and power. The analysis of workspaces
Cristina Zorzella Cappi, Linguistic and economic systems: analysis of a homology

Ocula 15 | Commemorating Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914): Interpretive Semiotics and Mass Media
a cura di Giampaolo Proni e Salvatore Zingale, November 2014
Giampaolo Proni, Introduction
Geane Carvalho Alzamora, Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, Peircean semiotics and transmedia dynamics. Communicational potentiality of the model of Semiosis
Giorgio Borrelli, Consumption of wares-signs and signs-wares in social reproduction
Valerio De Michele, Notes for a typology of Dicisigns
Emanuele Fadda, Esprit de corps. On the relevance of Peirce’s notion of ‘person’ in the study of the notion of ‘Identity’ in social media
Giacomo Festi, Diffracted values of the sign in interface. Instagram and Flickr in the light of a Peircean re-reading
Jean Fisette, Photography to infinity. The contribution of Peirce’ semiotics to the study of photography in the media
Carlos González Pérez, Some Peircean approaches to organizational communication. Formal and informal relations in a museum
María de los Angeles Montes, Tango, senses and sensuality
Toni Marino, Inference in media space. The case of IBM Software Executive Briefing Center – Rome
Tony Jappy, Peirce, rhetoric and the still image
Salvatore Zingale, Final Note

Mappe del piano strutturale della città di Bologna
Ocula 14 | Visible Cities. In Memory of Giovanna Franci
a cura di Ruggero Ragonese, December 2013
Ruggero Ragonese, Introduction. Visible Cities
Elena Granata, The gaze and what it looks at. Interpreting, exploring and recognising the signs of the world
Federico Boni, Form follows fiction. Architecture between movie make-believe and tourist practice
Elena Lorenzetto, City or event? How to represent and build cities through festivals and great events
Federico Montanari, Luca Frattura, Mapping Cities: the Bologna Self-Mapping Project
Sara Saleri, The many faces of a “slum area”. The case of Brescia's Carmine district
Gino Scatasta, Walking along the streets of Londropolis with Shakespeare, Woolf and Jack the Ripper

Fotografia di Alberto Modiano: Milano - Palazzo di Giustizia, post 1940; Archivi dell Immagine - Regione Lombardia
Ocula 13 | Architecture and Political Discourse: crossing perspectives
a cura di Federico Montanari e Ruggero Ragonese, August 2012
Federico Montanari, Introduction
Pierluigi Cervelli, Security Policies and Forms of Control. A semiotic perspective
Giorgio Coratelli, The Places of Marghera. Field notes for urban geology
Eleonora Diamanti, Urban Practices between Politics and Architecture. Semiotic analysis of Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Montréal
Valeria Scavone, Architecture and Urban Planning, Prerequisites and Participation
Anna Lazzarini, Give shape to the space of cohabitation
François Emmanuel Vigneau, Architecture of sport. From the commemoration of sport to commercial marketing
Amedeo Trezza, Remains that render texts: the role of memory in a possible risemantization of places
Stefano Carlucci, The Stucco Flower
Ruggero Ragonese, Afterword

immagine di Ryu HoYeol
Ocula 12 | Alibi: an Approach to the Semiotics of Travel
a cura di Giampaolo Proni e Davide Gasperi, March 2012
Roberto Pellerey, The Bare Feet of Brasil (and China, the Mermaids)
Massimo Leone, From Panoramic to Prosopopeial: Notes for a Semiotic of the Traveling Body
Francesco Galofaro, Krakowiak. Fragments from a Misinterpretive Ethnosemiotics
Stefano Carlucci, Blurred pre-visions and tidal waves
Amedeo Trezza, The Travel as a Discourse. Ethnosemiotics of spaces.
William Vastarella, Erring is Human
Lidia K. C. Manzo, ''She is Wild''. A Thirty-years-old Milanese in New York City

Ocula 11 | Good bye TV: appunti sulla televisione di fine decennio
a cura di Cinzia Bianchi e Stefano Traini, December 2009
Cinzia Bianchi, Introduzione. L'inattualità della televisione
Maria Pia Pozzato, La saga dei pacchi. Analisi semiotica del programma Affari tuoi
Stefano Traini, Incursioni nel backstage. Il programma Deejay chiama Italia tra radio e televisione
Federico Boni, Transgenre. Contaminazioni e transiti tra generi televisivi e generi sessuali
Lorenzo Denicolai, La sitcom ibrida
Mara Cinquepalmi, L'informazione televisiva in Italia: da RaiSet al citizen journalism
Francesco Galofaro, Le foto di Eluana, i video di Terri. Saggio sulla rappresentazione mediatica degli stati Vegetativi in relazione all'interpretazione medica. Loro rapporto con le decisioni mediche
Greta Travagliati, Matteo Treleani, Nuove serie e nuovi eroi. Sviluppi di genere ne L'Ispettore Coliandro, Dexter e Breaking Bad
Marta Valenti, La detection come indagine sociale. Fiction e real fiction: La Squadra
Salvatore Zingale, C'era una volta La Squadra. Note sulla fine di un serial tv

Giorgione, La tempesta
Ocula 10 | Flux
a cura di Redazione Ocula, December 2009
Claudio A. Barzaghi, Come l’artista 'invisibile' si manifesta sfruttando alcune figure presenti nella sua opera
Amedeo Trezza, Il paesaggio in cartografia. Selezione e narratività
Marco Teti, Problemi di referenzialità. Studio del conflittuale rapporto tra realtà e linguaggio cinematografico in Spider-Man di Sam Raimi
Amedeo Trezza, Verso una semiotica del paesaggio
Claudio A. Barzaghi, Impreciso eppur perfetto
Alessandro Catania, L'interpretazione nel pettegolezzo
Maristella Panepinto, I programmi di Guardì e l’etero-televisione
Ilaria Leccardi, Semiotica ed indagine etnografica. Discorso politico e pratiche di autogestione all’interno della fabbrica argentina Zanon
Claudia Gianelli, Open source, software development and users' involvement: a semiotic perspective

Tensione superficiale
Ocula 9 | Tensioni nel cinema
a cura di Michela Deni e Federico Montanari, December 2008
Federico Montanari, Introduzione. Dalle tensioni alla potenza di connessione
Alessandro Zinna, L'andamento ritmico di Seven
Nicola Dusi, Semisimbolismo, figuralità, tensione in stralci di cinema, tra pittura e musica
Valentina Miraglia, Tensione durante le riprese
Marco Pondrelli, Tensione a Wall Street
Maria Antonia Manetta, Tensione ed espressione: il cinema espanso di Peter Greenaway
Antonio Magrì, Tensione nel cinema
Alessandro Catania, The Adventure Continues...
Francesco Galofaro, La colonna sonora in Eyes Wide Shut

Martin Margiela
Ocula 8 | Comunicazione e segni nella moda
a cura di Antonella Mascio e Giampaolo Proni, July 2007
Ugo Volli, La moda sotto l'occhio della semiotica e il campo dei fashion studies. Intervista a Ugo Volli.
Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, Il posto della storia negli studi sulla moda
Nicoletta Giusti, A propos du trickle down
Elisa Tosi Brandi, Comunicare seducendo: la moda nell’opera di René Gruau
Pier Pietro Brunelli, L'immagine digitale dentro la moda
Elena Codeluppi, L’Iran veste Prada
Francesco Galofaro, Moda i styl. La moda nella Polonia (post)comunista
Antonella Mascio, Moda, rappresentazione e diversità
Simona Segre Reinach, Stereotipi e cultura della moda
Maria Catricalà, Ilaria Pironti, Marchi 'di moda' italiani: una indagine mirata tra il 1900 e il 1950
Gianfranco Marrone, Dalla moda vestimentaria al design d’interni: un caso di brand extension
Pier Pietro Brunelli, Aspetti estetico-comunicativi della moda in vetrina
Luca Marchetti, Accessoire, terra incognita / Accessory, terra incognita
Simona Ironico, Comunicare all’infanzia: dalla socializzazione ai consumi alla socializzazione alla moda
Giampaolo Proni, Fast Fashion, Fast Shopping: a semiotic approach to practices of consumption of young consumers
Fernanda Moneta, Shareblog Checool: un ambiente ibrido-interattivo operante in produzione condivisa e con finalità di trend setting. Prime note sulla ricerca
Giovanna Franci, Ambigue identità
Nello Barile, The Essence of Fetishism
Gabriele Monti, Scene contemporanee del dandismo. Da Jean Paul Gaultier al metrosessuale: nuovi modelli maschili
Giovanna Cosenza, La donna trans-age

Olivetti Valentine, design Ettore Sottsass, 1969
Ocula 7 |
a cura di Michela Deni e Giampaolo Proni, June 2006
Dario Compagno, Donnie Darko: tra apertura e ipertestualità
Francesco Galofaro, Stare i nowe. Mercato, comunicazione e nostalgia nella Polonia postcomunista
Emiliano Pintori, Design delle interfacce. Forme di ibridazione semiotica
Nicola Cappelletti, Il design bricolé
Giampaolo Proni, Semiotica del progetto

Ocula 6 | Sguardi semiotici sulla pubblicità
a cura di Cinzia Bianchi e Andrea Zannin, October 2005
Stefano Traini, Estesie di marca. Aspetti sensoriali e somatici della brand communication
Claudia Graziani, Passioni ed estesia: una chiave di lettura dello spot D&G
Marianna Boero, Dalla pubblicità alle strategie di marca. Il nuovo protagonismo delle passioni e delle sensazioni
Riccardo Fusaroli, Sguardo, voce, corpo: un’analisi semiotica di uno spot Playstation 2
Giulia Perani, Adbusters: sociosemiotica del subvertising
Simone Tronconi, Tutti pazzi per Bollywood: l’influenza indiana nella pubblicità italiana
Marco Benoît Carbone, Your fragrance, everyone’s rules. Massive transgression and collective individualism in Hugo Boss advertisements
Fabrizio Trotti, Il film promesso
Nicola Bigi, Elena Codeluppi, “Il mio nome è Bond. James Bond”:diventerà slogan? La pubblicità di un film diventa promozione di un evento: l’evoluzione del marketing cinematografico.
Caterina Schiavon, “Vengo anch’io? No tu no”. Per uno sguardo semio-antropologico al testo pubblicitario
Pier Pietro Brunelli, Brand & Dope

Edward Hopper, Morning Sun
Ocula 5 | Spazio e spazialità
a cura di Francesco Galofaro e Antonella Mascio, September 2004
Claudio A. Barzaghi, I “volti nascosti” come modalità del fantastico in pittura
Anne Beyaert-Geslin, L'esthétique du pixel (L'accentuation de la texture dans l’œuvre graphique de John Maeda)
Andrea Catellani, Variazioni semiotiche intorno ad Untitled N°24 di Mark Rothko
Maria Giulia Dondero, Lo spazio del paesaggio “in digitale”: una diagnostica in immagine
Francesco Galofaro, Sullo spazio in musica
Elena Giliberti, Guardare, bere, uomo, donna. Incroci di sguardi e di voci
Valentina Manchia, Profondo come il blu. Per una lettura delle dinamiche dei colori nello Spirituale nell’arte di Wassily Kandinsky
Luca Marchetti, Lusso, Moda ed esperienza.Spunti per un manuale di retailtainment
Tiziana Migliore, Edward Hopper: le passioni dell'intervallo
Mario Neve, Sensorium communis geographie. Some introductory steps to a geoaesthetics
Maria Pia Pozzato, La rappresentazione/costruzione degli spazi nei TG italiani durante la guerra per il Kosovo
Ruggero Ragonese, Dal nome al volto: trasformazioni e nuovi equilibri nell’architettura delle chiese fra IX e XI secolo
Daria Sitkareva, Dalla Russia ai paesi occidentali: l’impulso all´emigrazione
Elisa Soncini, Quale Pedrera? Ambiguità e ambivalenze di uno spazio
Anna Milena Vinci, Roma Termini e Milano Centrale: analisi semiotica del testo spaziale
Alexandra Volegova, Cosmogonia e cosmologia nel progetto dello spazio di una città

Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Origin, 1989
Ocula 4 |
a cura di Giampaolo Proni, December 2003
Andrea Zannin, La costruzione del valore e la dimensione patemica: intorno a uno spot Barilla.
Chiara Vigo, Il linguaggio della cucina
Giampaolo Proni, Semiotica della laff box
Pier Pietro Brunelli, Valentina Manchia, Neo-giapponismo grafico
Davide Gasperi, Mappe glocali
Francesco Galofaro, Johnnie To e l'Anticlimax

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Ocula.it publishes articles and essays in semiotic research, with a particular eye on communication and culture; it is open to dialogue with other research fields and welcomes contributions from all the areas of the social and human sciences. See the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board.

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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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