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This article has been published in: Ocula 29, Flux 2024
author: Maria Grazia Falà
Gomorra - La serie, an example of incomplete transmediality
language: italian
publication date: January 2024abstract: Numerous scholars have debated the transmediality of Gomorrah - The Series, offering varying opinions. The thesis we aim to support is that this is a case of incomplete transmediality, primarily due to gaps in Sky Italia's promotional strategies, especially concerning social media. Even a spin-off like L'Immortale (2019) can be considered a makeshift and limited attempt. Simultaneously, it is possible to identify a «Saviano style» to describe the approach of the Campanian author to all his productions, creating a strong bond that connects them all, including his graphic novel Sono ancora vivo. However, in confirmation of the lack of transmediality of Gomorrah – The Series, are the social media activities of its two main protagonists, Salvatore Esposito (Genny Savastano) and Marco D'Amore (Ciro Di Marzio), which focus more on the actor's persona than on their acting performances in the series. Weak transmediality is also confirmed by the activities of the fans that revolve around this product, but are hindered by the production, which, in two Facebook groups, has gone as far as banning clips from Gomorrah - The Series not belonging to official channels.
keywords: Adaptation, extension, intersemiotic translation, Facebook, graphic novel, Adattamento, Estensione (transmediale), Traduzione intersemiotica, Facebook, Graphic novel,citation information: Maria Grazia Falà, Gomorra - La serie, esempio di transmedialità incompleta, "Ocula", vol.25, n.29, pp.1-21, January 2024. DOI: 10.57576/ocula2024-1 publishes articles and essays in semiotic research, with a particular eye on communication and culture; it is open to dialogue with other research fields and welcomes contributions from all the areas of the social and human sciences. See the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee.