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This article has been published in: Ocula 16, Semiotics of Economic Discourse
author: Roberto Pellerey (Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Genova (IT))
The right price, the money’s meaning and an unfashionable dissidence. From the homo oeconomicus to the Fair Economy
language: italian
publication date: December 2015abstract: Is money necessary to the economy system? No, it is not, if the money’s functions are kept separated from the economy system it is possible to ridefine the economy as a system of goods supply materials, and unbundle the several functions graped by currency in the market system, as well as to demonstrate that the market system is just a very recent form of the economic organisation. Nowadays a huge theoretical movement, from the Degrowth groups to Fair Economy, examines the nature of money in the history of the economy and resumes M.Mauss’, K.Polanyi’ and Antiutilitarianism analysis about the historical plurality of the exchange systems. It resumes the several devices employed by the ancient societies to satisfy the functions embodied by the money, whose goal is to modify the meaning and the functions of the money in an articulated project about the de-commodification of the society. This project is operatively led by different organisms and associations which are experimenting alternative forms of production, distribution, remuneration, relationship between producers and buyers, consumerism and marketing objection, and to the market system objection. Specifically with the “food sovereignty” strategy this organisms deeply modify the meaning given by money. Our examination of some exemplary practices (Gas, Des, Horta, Campi Aperti, Amap, Sel, Genuino Clandestino etc.) confirms that their operations are semiotically relevant to the meaning of the money today.
keywords: discorso economico, economic discourse, economia solidale, decrescita, economia domestica, denaro, giusto prezzo, fair economy, degrowth, domestic economy, money, fair pricecitation information: Roberto Pellerey, Il giusto prezzo, il senso del denaro e una dissidenza inattuale. Dall’homo oeconomicus all’economia solidale, "Ocula", vol.16, n.16, December 2015. DOI: 10.12977/ocula48 publishes articles and essays in semiotic research, with a particular eye on communication and culture; it is open to dialogue with other research fields and welcomes contributions from all the areas of the social and human sciences. See the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee.