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This article has been published in: Ocula 18, Street Art: Iconoclasm and Istitutionalization
author: Francesco Mazzucchelli (Università di Bologna (IT))
Street(icono)clashes. Blu vs. Genus Bononiae: a Case of Urban Iconoclasm
language: italian
publication date: September 2017abstract: Moving from a perspective of semiotics of culture, the article investigates the events which accompanied Banksy and Co: Art in the Urban Form, the exhibition held in the City Museum of Bologna in May 2016, with a special attention to the reaction of the street artist Blu, who decided to erase all his street artworks in the city of Bologna. “Museum discourse” and “street discourse” are analyzed in a comparative and contrastive perspective, with the aim of understanding the interactions between different “discursive spaces” of the city in relation to diverse valorizations of the expressions of urban creativity.
keywords: street art, blu, #occupymordor, semiotica urbana, patrimonializzazione, iconoclastia, subculture, urban semiotics, heritageisation, iconoclasmcitation information: Francesco Mazzucchelli, Street(icono)clashes. Blu vs. Genus Bononiae: un caso di iconoclastia urbana, "Ocula", vol.18, n.18, pp.22-42, September 2017. DOI: 10.12977/ocula75 publishes articles and essays in semiotic research, with a particular eye on communication and culture; it is open to dialogue with other research fields and welcomes contributions from all the areas of the social and human sciences. See the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee.