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This article has been published in: Ocula 22, Be cool. How a Cultural Icon is Born

author: Federica Turco (CIRSDe, Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle donne e di Genere)

From Iconic Celebrities to Iconic Speeches. Tricks and Treats About Imaginary on Feminism

language: italian

publication date: April 2020

abstract: There are many famous women that, in the last years, has taken the floor, speaking about women (i.e., with the aim to speak about equality and gender violence). Their speeches, in great international visibility contexts, have created a kind of short circuit among their iconicity as celebrities, the iconicity of the context itself and the content of the message. With a gender point of view and taking into account some famous cases, in the next pages, I’ll try to reason about functioning strategies of these texts and about the traps that convert them, in stereotypical and “uniforming” (or at least “not alternative”) discourses.

keywords: icona culturale, cultural icon, iconicità, viralità, femminismo, genere, immaginario, iconicity, virality, feminism, gender, imaginary

OCULA-22-TURCO-Dai-personaggi-iconici-ai-discorsi-iconici.pdf ➞ PDF [364Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-6

citation information: Federica Turco, Dai personaggi iconici ai discorsi iconici. Strategie e trappole di costruzione dell’immaginario collettivo sul femminismo, "Ocula", vol.21, n.22, pp.33-45, April 2020. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-6


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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