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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

author: Antonio Laurino (Università di Bologna (IT), Università della Repubblica di San Marino (SM))

Towards a new axiology of consumption. A proposal for expanding, deepening and updating the Flochian model.

language: italian

publication date: April 2020

abstract: This essay illustrates the genesis, potential and limits of the square of consumption values, conducting both a theoretical overview and an empirical investigation, focused on the Italian context. The treatment takes into account the main readings and applications proposed by scholars and professionals as much as the analysis of a large textual corpus that aims to represent the contemporary advertising landscape. As a result, it is possible to make a proposal aimed at integrating, deepening and updating the original model, in accordance with the flochian principle whereby the semiotic perspective can bring several benefits to communication in terms of greater intelligibility, relevance and differentiation.

keywords: semiotica dei consumi, semiotica della pubblicità, floch, quadrato semiotico, valori, semiotics of consumption, semiotics of advertising, semiotic square, values

OCULA-FluxSaggi-LAURINO-Per-una-nuova-assiologia-del-consumo.pdf ➞ PDF [747Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-1

citation information: Antonio Laurino, Per una nuova assiologia del consumo. Una proposta di ampliamento, approfondimento e aggiornamento del modello flochiano., "Ocula", vol.21, April 2020. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-1


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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