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This article has been published in: Ocula 25, Gender, genres and generations. A sociological analysis on changes of consumption styles in the globalised world: current scenarios and future perspectives

authors: Marta Rocchi (Dipartimento delle Arti, Università degli Studi di Bologna, IT ) and Martina Anselmeti

The evolution of legal drama, gender stereotypes and the case of For the People (ABC 2018-2019)

language: italian

publication date: June 2021

abstract: In this work, we analyze the evolution of legal audiovisual serial products. Firstly, we consider the cultural changes of current media representations compared to the past ones, with a focus on the changing character of the lawyer, and in particular of the woman-lawyer who takes on an increasingly important role within the contemporary audiovisual series. Subsequently, using an innovative methodology that adopt qualitative modeling tools, coding of audiovisual objects and traditional textual analysis, we investigate For The People (ABC, 2018-2019) in order to identify, characterize and model the isotopies of the legal genre from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.

keywords: tv series, genre, legal drama, coding, modelling

OCULA-25-ROCCHI-ANSELMETI-Il-legal-drama-evoluzione-di-un-genere-e-di-genere.pdf ➞ PDF [581Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2021-16

citation information: Marta Rocchi and Martina Anselmeti, L'evoluzione del legal drama, stereotipi di genere e il caso di For the People (ABC 2018-2019), "Ocula", vol.22, n.25, pp.229-245, June 2021. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2021-16


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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