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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

This article has been published in: Ocula 28, Public Art and Urban Spaces

author: Brigitte Auziol (UPR Projekt, Université de Nîmes, FR)

Reinventing the agora: giving voice to public space. Analysis of ecosocial and cultural design interventions

language: french

publication date: December 2023

abstract: Public Art, by investing the urban space, covers different practices that have in common to be part of a social and political dimension. Faced with the growing privatization of public space, Malte Martin, designer and urban scenographer aims in his interventions to make the public space by giving voice to its users. He thus proposes to revisit the agora as a positive urban ideal in its contemporary forms. Based on a recent interview with this creator and the analysis of his projects, this article aims to show how the modalities put in place in these collaborative devices lead to an increase in skills and an emancipation of the users. It generates the production of new common goods in the line of an ecosocial design.

keywords: urban space, urban scenography, ecosocial design, appropriation, device,

OCULA-28-AUZIOL-Rinventer-lagora-donner-la-parole-pour-rendre-lespace-publi.pdf ➞ PDF [326Kb]

DOI: 10.57576/ocula2023-17

citation information: Brigitte Auziol, Réinventer l’agora: donner la parole pour rendre l’espace public. Analyse de dispositifs d’intervention en design écosocial et culturel, "Ocula", vol.24, n.28, pp.166-184, December 2023. DOI: 10.57576/ocula2023-17


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