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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

This article has been published in: Ocula 28, Public Art and Urban Spaces

author: Michele Dentico (Sapienza Università di Roma, IT)

Street Art as a self-descriptive practice of institutional culture. The Taranto Regeneration Urban Street case

language: italian

publication date: December 2023

abstract: The aim of the essay is to analyse the ways in which institutions use an artistic practice such as Street Art for the self-description of their culture, as in the case of the Taranto Regeneration Urban Street. In a socio-political context characterised in recent years by strong conflicts due to the effects of pollutants from one of Europe’s largest steelworks, the Municipality of Taranto promotes a vast Street Art operation involving dozens of facades. The documentary describing the project is a useful text for understanding if and how institutions promote memories, define oblivion and narcotize conflicts.

keywords: street art, istitutional culture, cultural conflict, documentaries, urban heritage, street art, cultura istituzionale, conflitti culturali, documentari, heritage urbano

OCULA-28-DENTICO-La-street-art-come-pratica-autodescrittiva-della-cultura-istituz.pdf ➞ PDF [3,400Mb]

DOI: 10.57576/ocula2023-19

citation information: Michele Dentico, La street art come pratica autodescrittiva della cultura istituzionale. Il caso Taranto Regeneration Urban Street, "Ocula", vol.24, n.28, pp.200-218, December 2023. DOI: 10.57576/ocula2023-19


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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