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This article has been published in: Ocula 30, Visuality of writing in arts and visual communication

author: Silvia Pireddu (Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture moderne, Università di Torino, IT)

From matter to pixels. Notes on visual poetry between analogue and digital

language: italian

publication date: June 2024

abstract: Visual poetry is a hybrid genre that, by combining images of different natures and texts, triggers a psychic reaction of involvement or estrangement. Typically multimodal, the genre evolves around matter and language. The repositioning in the digital world of many visual poets has introduced an additional, “augmented”, dynamic and performative dimension. The paper describes works with an anglosaxon cultural background attesting to the transition to the digital and the appearance of a further “semantic charge”. In particular The Last Vispo Anthology of Visual Poetry 1998-2008 (Seattle, 2012), thingsithought.today by Lauren Holden and Enigma2022 by Jim Andrews.

keywords: visual poetry, complexity, electronic poetry, multimodal semiotics, intermediality

OCULA-30-PIREDDU-Dalla-materia-ai-pixel-note-sulla-poesia-visiva-tra-analogico-e.pdf ➞ PDF [1,423Mb]

DOI: 10.57576/ocula2024-8

citation information: Silvia Pireddu, Dalla materia ai pixel. Note sulla poesia visiva tra analogico e digitale, "Ocula", vol.25, n.30, pp.104-129, June 2024. DOI: 10.57576/ocula2024-8


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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