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This article has been published in: Ocula 30, Visuality of writing in arts and visual communication

authors: Girish Muzumdar (Director, Pictolab, Talence, France Associate researcher, PROJEKT, University of Nimes, FR), Asha Deshpande (Research Director, Kamayani Institute for Research, Training & Rehabilitation for persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Pune, India) and Ben Howell Davis (Associate researcher at Pictolab, Talence, FR Formerly Research Associate, Center for Advanced Visual Studies and Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA)

Pictograms as Visual Communication. Tools for the Autonomy and Accessibility of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

language: english

publication date: June 2024

abstract: The social inclusion of persons with disabilities is a priority in a growing number of countries. Their level of autonomy, with or without technical aids, is an essential criterion of its success. Pictograms are the technical aids of choice for persons with intellectual disabilities. The coherence of the pictographic tool is essential to the user-friendliness of such aids. Pictogram-based solutions are not only useful for persons with intellectual disabilities. They can be used by all those who have difficulties reading, such as illiterate persons, tourists, senior citizens, children, refugees, asylum-seekers, etc. Taken together, they can represent up to 30% of the population.

keywords: pictograms, autonomy, accessibility, intellectual disabilities, technical aids

OCULA-30-MUZUMDAR-DESHPANDE-HOWELLDAVIS-Pictograms-as-visual-communication-tools-for-the-autonomy-and-a.pdf ➞ PDF [1,066Mb]

DOI: 10.57576/ocula2024-15

citation information: Girish Muzumdar, Asha Deshpande and Ben Howell Davis, Pictograms as Visual Communication. Tools for the Autonomy and Accessibility of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, "Ocula", vol.25, n.30, pp.244-261, June 2024. DOI: 10.57576/ocula2024-15


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