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Giovanni Anceschi

intervista raccolta da Salvatore Zingale, video di Furlanetto e Prevosti

Artist, designer, scholar on visual communication, member of the Group T and the movement “Arte cinetica e programmata” (1959-1962).
He studied as a visual designer at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm.
He was a professor at the University of Bologna (DAMS); founded, with Tomás Maldonado and others, the Design Faculty at the Politecnico di Milano (1993); and completed his academic activities at the Faculty of Arts and Design in Venice (IUAV).
Since 1996 he is director of the magazine ‘Il Verri’, founded by his father Luciano in 1956.
Author of numerous essays and books, including Monogrammi e figure (Firenze, La casa Usher, 1981) and L'oggetto della raffigurazioni (Milano, Etaslibri, 1992).

Ocula.it publishes articles and essays in semiotic research, with a particular eye on communication and culture; it is open to dialogue with other research fields and welcomes contributions from all the areas of the social and human sciences. See the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board.

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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

Since 2019 Ocula is ranked as a class A journal by ANVUR for Research Area 10/C1 and 11/C4.

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