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Ocula 13 Vol. 13  |  August 2012  |  DOI: 10.12977/ocula9  |  METADATA ➞ PDF   |  < >
Architecture and Political Discourse: crossing perspectives

How can interesting points of departure for such a vast, much-discussed and sometimes hackneyed subject like the relationship between architecture and politics still be found? The authors who take part in this issue have skilfully risen to the challenge: by working on the problem of urban planning, areas of exclusion, industrial areas, the suburbs, as well as the “symbolic centres” of cities (such as theatres or boulevards) or on thematic-cultural planning bound to remembrance, like that of parks. The gaze issue and putting into perspective constantly returns as a restriction of those power relations on which the political dimension is based.
Contributors to this Issue: Stefano Carlucci, Pierluigi Cervelli, Giorgio Coratelli, Eleonora Diamanti, Anna Lazzarini, Federico Montanari, Ruggero Ragonese, Valeria Scavone, Amedeo Trezza, François Emmanuel Vigneau.
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The subject of the relationship between architecture and politics is “limitless yet to the point”, as rightly underscored in one of the articles in this issue. However, it is because the subject is so vast that we feel it can serve as a link and encouragement towards further explor |... ⇲
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The aim of this article is to reflect on the political control of urban space and population mobility, particularly in relation to government measures and regulations governing the management of the hosting camps of the Rom and Sinti within the Municipality of Rome (the so-called " |... ⇲
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In this article I analyze the founding of the city of Marghera and the industrial zone of Porto Marghera. I practice an “urban geology” to research the stratification of power relations, constitutive of their realization and dynamics. The first part is on the founding of Marghera:  |... ⇲
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The relationship between politics and architecture is a complex and fundamental issue in understanding the urban and social fabric of cities. Moreover, architectural artefacts constitute symbolic forms inscribing political choices on space. However, it is further complicated by urb |... ⇲
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In analysing the relationship between architecture and urban planning, this paper starts from Leonardo Benevolo’s declaration (in 1963) that defines the latter as “a part of politics required to concretize each operational program”. So, while waiting for the long expected reform, u |... ⇲
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Today, the relationship between social, cultural, political transformations and spatial processes can be critically re-thought as the increasing articulation of spaces of places and spaces of flows. This article argues that the relationship between architecture and politics emerges |... ⇲
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Is the architecture of sport specific, or does it reflect the city, the society, the politics? This article analyzes numerous sports facilities of various types, in France and in Europe, since the beginning of the XXth century until today. It shows a double evolution of the meaning |... ⇲
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Nowadays, after decades of countryside and agricultural soils abandonment, we are facing more and more some “re-functionalizing” choices. But they too often anticipate a radical loss of sense not followed by a recovery of memory and local identities.In other words, rural architectu |... ⇲
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The core of his research paths is theater, considered in its two main components: its physical materialization, the buildings and sites conceived to contain the theatrical event (semiotics of theater architecture) and the dialogue relationship between authors/actors/audience.These  |... ⇲
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“Tout est politique” and architecture is no exception. Even though it cannot be seen, politics is in the shape of the pyramids, in Roman basilicas and Renaissance temples, as it is in the ephemeral architecture of huge international exhibitions or the inventions of contemporary arc |... ⇲

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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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