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Call for Papers

Flowers of the soul: the symbolism of flowers in the religious imagination

editors Marco Papasidero and Francesco Galofaro.

deadline: 2 July 2019

In different religious traditions, flowers, and more generally the plant world, were used as symbols of spiritual meanings. For example, we can think to Saint Rita’s roses, the violet with which Saint Teresa of Lisieux loved to identify herself, or the "litanies of the flowers", in which flowers of the most diverse species are invoked as so many sacred epithets.
In this multidisciplinary issue of Ocula, experts in semiotics, history, philosophy, literature, will analyze concrete examples of this symbolism, reflecting on the values and functions that the plant world has in the religious imagination.

Our call for paper aims at offering a reflection on:

- therapeutic uses of plants over the centuries in the religious tradition;
- diachronic change of the relationship between religious and floral imagery;
- presence of floral and vegetable figures in religious literature;
- flowers and plants in sacred art;
- relationship between the botanical-religious imagery and epistemology.

The idea of this issue of Ocula was born within the ERC NeMoSanctI project (New Models of Sanctity in Italy (1960s-2000s) - A Semiotic
Analysis of Norms, Causes of Saints, Hagiography, and Narratives. The project is based at University of Torino - principal investigator Prof.
Jenny Ponzo.

General Informations

- The acceptance of the articles and their publication is subject to double blind peer review.
- The Authors can find all the editing and format rules at the page ''Come si collabora” “How to contribute to Ocula”, on the home page.
Please read it carefully and follow the recommendations.
- There are no official limits of length to the articles, yet we recommend 40.000 characters as a reasonable maximum measure (including
spaces, notes and references).
- Files format accepted are .doc, docx, .odt.
- The articles may include any kind of images.
- Images (photographies, graphs, tables) must be included in the main text file and submitted each as a separate file, in .jpg, .png, .tif,
.eps, .psd formats.
- The Authors must send their contribution in two versions: one in anonymous form, to be sent to the reviewers, and the other containing
name, position, email, website, biographic notes. Each version must be a separate file.
- In the anonymous file, in any reference to the Author’s publications the name must be cancelled and replaced by ''Author” and the titles
by ''Title of the publication''. The date must be let visible.
- Please, add an abstract of the paper.


Abstracts Proposal: July 30th, 2019.
Submission of the essays: December 15th, 2019.
Notification of acceptance, rejection or revision request: March 15th, 2020
Scheduled Publication: June 30th, 2020
Accepted languages: Italian, English

Abstracts and articles must be sent to:
Marco Papasidero: marco.papasidero(;-)unito.it
Francesco Galofaro: galofaro_francesco(;-)hotmail.com


Bastide, F. Exploration du «Croire» dans le domaine scientifique, Rimini:Guaraldi

Courtés, J. Dal folclore alla mitologia: a proposito di alcuni elementi folclorici: motivo e cliché, in Del Ninno (ed.) Etnosemiotica: questioni di metodo, Roma, Meltemi

De Certeau, M. 1981, Croire: une pratique de la différence, Documenti di lavoro del Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e Linguistica di Urbino, num. 106/A – 1968-1975, «Mystique» in Encyclopædia Universalis, pp. 1031-1036.

Dusi, N. e Marrone, G. (eds.) 2008, Destini del sacro: discorso religioso e semiotica della cultura, Roma: Meltemi.

Galofaro, F. 2017 ‘Litanie dei Santi: uno studio morfodinamico’, in Barillari, S. (ed.) Calendari: l’uomo, il tempo, le stagioni. Aicurzio: Gruppo Editoriale Castelnegrino

Giroud, J-C and Panier, L. 1987, Sémiotique: une pratique de lecture et d’analyse des textes bibliques, Cahiers Evangile 59.

Leone, M. 2010, Saints and Signs: A Semiotic Reading of Conversion in Early Modern Catholicism, Berlin: De Gruyter

Marsciani, F. 2012, ‘l discorso della preghiera’, in Minima semiotica, Udine: Mimesis.

Marsciani, F. and Zinna, A. 1991, Elementi di semiotica generativa: processi e sistemi della significazione, Bologna: progetto Leonardo.

Ponzo, J. 2019, Religious Narratives in Italian Literature After the Second Vatican Council: A Semiotic Analysis, Berlin: De Gruyter.

Volli, U. 2011, "L'immaginario delle origini: uno strumento per la semiotica della cultura", in Lexia 7-8, pp. 31-62.

Ocula.it publishes articles and essays in semiotic research, with a particular eye on communication and culture; it is open to dialogue with other research fields and welcomes contributions from all the areas of the social and human sciences. See the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee.

You can support our initiative by donating in a safe way using PayPal or your credit card

ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

Since 2019 Ocula is ranked as a class A journal by ANVUR for Research Area 10/C1 and 11/C4.

Ocula adheres to the principles of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)

Ocula is indexed by Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ) and Google Scholar

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