Under processing
▸ Zombesque. Sociosemiotica di un’epidemia culturale
▸ Nuove forme di testualità nella comunicazione pubblicitaria: discorsi, pratiche e narrazioni
▸ Mobilità. Spazio urbano. Apprendimento.
▸ Visualità della scrittura nelle arti e nella comunicazione visiva
▸ Questioni di santità: prospettive semiotiche su Dante
▸ Fiori dell'anima. La simbologia dei fiori nell'immaginario religioso
▸ Be cool. Come nasce una icona culturale
▸ Geosemiotica: dai locative media, alle immagini diffuse, ai big e small data
▸ Street Art. Iconoclastia e istituzionalizzazione
▸ Semiotica per il design: quale didattica?
▸ Semiotica del discorso economico
▸ Commemorando Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914): la semiotica interpretativa e i mass media
▸ Wayfinding e comunicazione ambientale.
▸ Alibi. Verso una semiotica del viaggio
▸ Architettura e politica: un incrocio di sguardi
▸ La televisione tra nuovi e vecchi schemi di lettura
▸ Elezioni politiche 2006: sguardo e riflessioni semiotiche
▸ Semiotica e comunicazione della moda
Matters of holiness: semiotic perspectives on Dante
editors Magdalena Maria Kubas and Francesco Galofaro.
deadline: 30 September 2021
In 2021, the 700th anniversary of Dante's death is celebrated in Italy and around the world. This issue of Ocula pays homage to the Poet by renovating the rich tradition of semiotic studies devoted to his work and stimulating new reflections and directions of research. Indeed, the focus of this issue is the theme of holiness in Dante and its contemporary reception.
We intend to promote and continue the dialogue between semiotics and literary and historical studies, following the example of the works by Maria Corti, Cesare Segre and D’Arco Silvio Avalle, which remain milestones in terms of the transdisciplinary approach and methodological cross-fertilization. We also recall the fundamental works by Umberto Eco on Abulafia which opened a perspective on the themes related to Jewish mysticism in Dante's work (Debenedetti Stow).
Holiness represents an important part in the universe of the Comedy: not only do the saints populate Paradise, but we find a large number of miracles, hagiographies and self-hagiographies, references to intercession, and prayers also in Inferno and Purgatorio.
Here the research topics we propose:
- symbols of holiness, especially in Paradise;
- the biography of the saint as a model for different forms of life (Fontanille);
- representations of holiness (e.g. Benedictine, Franciscan, Dominican);
- the language and rhetoric of holiness;
- the importance of the Comedy in defining the Christian image of holiness;
- the Comedy in the magisterium of the contemporary Church (for example the recent Apostolic Letter Candor Lucis Aeternae by Pope Francis);
The idea for this issue of Ocula was born within the ERC project NeMoSanctI (New Models of Sanctity in Italy (1960s-2000s) - A Semiotic Analysis of Norms, Causes of Saints, Hagiography, and Narratives. University of Turin - principal investigator Prof. Jenny Ponzo.
General Informations:
The acceptance of the articles and their publication is subject to double blind peer review. The Authors can find all the editing and format rules at the page ''Come si collabora” – “How to contribute to Ocula”, on the home page. Please read it carefully and follow the recommendations. There are no official limits of length to the articles, yet we recommend 40.000 characters as a reasonable maximum measure (including spaces, notes and references). Files format accepted are .doc, docx, .odt. The articles may include any kind of images. Images (photographs, graphs, tables) must be included in the main text file and submitted each as a separate file, in .jpg, .png, .tif, .eps, .psd formats. The Authors must send their contribution in two versions: one in anonymous form, to be sent to the reviewers, and the other containing name, position, email, website, biographic notes. Each version must be a separate file. In the anonymous file, in any reference to the Author’s publications the name must be cancelled and replaced by ''Author” and the titles by ''Title of the publication''. The date must be visible. Please, add an abstract of the paper.
Abstracts Proposal: 30/09/2021
Submission of the essays: 31/12/2021
Notification of acceptance, rejection or revision request: 31/03/2021
Scheduled Publication: 30/07/2022
Accepted languages
Italian, English, French
Abstracts and articles must be sent to:
Magdalena Maria Kubas: magdalenamaria.kubas(;-)unito.it
Francesco Galofaro: francesco.galofaro(;-)unito.it
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