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Ocula 23 Vol. 21  |  July 2020  |  DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-24  |  METADATA ➞ PDF  |  Booklet ➞ PDF |  < >
Flowers of the soul: The symbolism of flowers in the religious imagination

Contributors to this Issue: Ludovica Bertolini, Francesco Galofaro, Magdalena Maria Kubas, Anthony John Lappin, Massimo Leone, Graziano Lingua, Gabriele Marino, Marco Papasidero, Jenny Ponzo, Ilaria Sabbatini, Lorenzo Verderame, Ugo Volli.
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The semiotic problem of flowers is not merely the province of specialists. It is a shared object of analysis in a wide range of human sciences: literature, history, anthropology, religious studies. The value of flowers depends on their position in the system of the culture in quest |... ⇲

Symbolic Flora in the Ancient World

Simboli e significati di fiori e piante nella cultura mesopotamica e nella Bibbia ebraica
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In this paper I discuss various aspects related to the imaginary and to the symbolism of the date palm in the written sources from ancient Mesopotamia through the analysis of two compositions. The first is a Sumerian text known as Inanna and Šukaletuda, which contains in the first  |... ⇲
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The purpose of this article is, on the one hand, to investigate how the vegetal imaginary is used, by the scribes, to define the "other”, in order to bring its inner meaning back to understandable forms. On the other hand, this work proposes an interpretation of the religious conte |... ⇲
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La Torà (il Pentateuco) è ambientato nel deserto: fiori e frutta sono oggetti rari, poco presenti nella vita quotidiana, ma ricchi di bellezza, di profumo, di seduzione. Nella narrazione essi non compaiono quasi mai come semplici oggetti, ma sono sempre investiti di valori connotat |... ⇲

Christian Botanic Symbols

Il simbolismo cristiano studiato attraverso diverse epoche e prospettive (filosofica, storica, semiotica)
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The essay analyses the debate about use of flowers in the Early Christianity identifying two principal attitudes of the Fathers of the Church. Initially there is a negative attitude towards flowers that is related with the critique of the pagan idolatry (Tertullian, Minucius Felis, |... ⇲
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In the Florentine diaries of pilgrimages to the Holy Land, dated between the XIIIth and xvth centuries, nature is always ascribed a powerfully symbolic value. This has both a metaphorical dimension and a taxonomic approach that is derived from the influence of practical writings, s |... ⇲
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The hagiographic discourse often uses floral metaphors to describe spiritual qualities. This is the case for instance with Thérèse of Lisieux’s autobiography, in which the saint compares herself to humble flowers, and in particular to the violet, which is not evident for her shape, |... ⇲

Diachronic Developments of Floral Imaginary

Approcci semiotici, testuali e letterari allo sviluppo diacronico del simbolismo floreale
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Isaiah 40: 6-8 contains the figure of the flower of the field, doomed to wither at the blowing of the divine breath. An immense exegetical tradition ensues, which comments on the ephemerality of any human distinction. This tradition intertwines, then, from the late Middle Ages on,  |... ⇲
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The paper focuses on the presence of botanical figures, such as flowers and gardens, in the sources of the Litany of Loreto, aiming to reconstruct how the function of these figures changed from the Old and New Testament through the acclamations of the Great Akhatist Hymn (626 B.C.) |... ⇲
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In the present paper we analyze two early Marian litanies and a number of laudas dating back to the period of the Origini. We will focus on texts dated between the 13th and the early 14th century. At this initial stage, the spiritual poetry written in the vernacular languages of no |... ⇲
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The hagiographic floral prosopopoeia: The case of the ‘Marian litany of flowers’. The paper presents a brief and partial review of the trope of flower personification (prosopopoeia) within the Christian imagery, with specific reference to the saintly figures. Attention is focused o |... ⇲
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The power of flower-symbolism is examined with regard to two very different poets from the latter half of the 2oth century who use petalled plants to deal with fundamentally religious or spiritual values even when explicitly religious language, allegiance or even evocation of the n |... ⇲

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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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